Top 10 Chrome extensions for GitHub you should try right now!

Top 10 Chrome extensions for GitHub you should try right now!

GitHub is already great and no developer can live without it, lets add some chrome extensions to make it even greater!


Browser extension that brings your GitHub experience to the next level.

I like this extension so much! it lets you explore the files and folders of a repository with a tree like the one in VS Code!

Octotree Github Extension

Github Repo | Chrome store

Isometric Contributions

Browser extension for rendering an isometric pixel art version of your GitHub contribution graph.

This extension renders your contribution graph on your profile in a nicer way! take a look.

Isometric Contributions

Github Repo | Chrome store

Notifier for GitHub

Get notified about new GitHub notifications

This extension checks github API periodically and shows an icon on your browser with the notifications count, very neat!

Notifier for GitHub

Github Repo | Chrome store


Links together, what belongs together.

Gives you the ability to go to files by clicking at their paths, not only internal files it also works for imported packages! very neat!


Github Repo | Chrome store

GitHub HoverCard

Neat hovercards for GitHub.

Show a neat hover card when you hover over an element! no need to open everything in a new page, just hover over it!


Github Repo | Chrome store

Github File Icon

A browser extension which gives different filetypes different icons to GitHub

This extension changes the default file icons in GitHub with icons that reflect the type of the file! fun!

Github File Icon

Github Repo | Chrome store

Better Pull Request

Make GitHub Pull Requests better with a file tree view and other UX improvements

When I want to see file changes on a pull request I get lost all the time, and I need to search for a specific file with the browser search, but with this extension you can browse the changed files with a tree like VS code! really cool.

Better pull requests for github

Github Repo | Chrome store

GitHub Dark

Dark GitHub style

Who doesn't like dark themes? make Github UI and code go dark with various great themes!

Dark Github

NOTE: this is a user style for StylishThemes, there is a standalone extension named Github dark but I prefer this one because it is more customizable, check out the details in the GitHub repo.

Github Repo

Awesome Autocomplete for GitHub

Add instant search capabilities to GitHub's search bar.

Powered by Algolia


This extension replaces GitHub's search bar and add auto-completion (instant-search & suggestion) capabilities on:

  • top public repositories
  • last active users
  • your private repositories
  • ability to use Algolia
  • your issues

Awesome Autocomplete for GitHub

Github Repo | Chrome store


Adds code intelligence to GitHub: hovers, definitions, references. Supports 20+ languages and other popular code hosts, too. The Sourcegraph extension adds code navigation and code intelligence to GitHub and other code hosts:

  • Hovers with documentation and type information
  • Go to definition
  • Find references


Chrome store

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